Shipping Rates and Estimates: Parcel and LTL Shipments
Parcel Shipments
Once you place the item in your cart you will be able to see all applicable shipping charges. The shipping charges for Parcel items remain fairly stagnant and do not change much day to day.
LTL Shipments
The shipping charges for LTL (freight truck delivery items) are intended to be an estimated flat rate fee for you to use in order to determine your selling price/shipping price to your customer.
Please note that the LTL shipping rates are subject to change depending on the carriers and where the item is going. We will reach out to you for approval on the new shipping rate if applicable and will not process any order without your consent on the new rate.
**Please note that the shipping rates for Parcel and the Estimated Rate for LTL can be found within the price/product sheet indicated in the data feed section of our site.