You can utilize both the HomeRoots private app and the public app. The public app is particularly user-friendly and can be installed quickly. You can access it through the following link:
Public app link:
To get started with the private app, please follow these steps:
1. On the first step you have to set Shopify App Access Token, shop URL and some other fields in Shopify settings page.
Shop URL: you can copy it from your browser
Be sure you copy only domain without “https://” and any other url segments.
API Access Token: To get API access token go to Apps tab from your Shopify admin panel and follow the instructions as shown below , marked in red.
Provide relevant name and credentials
Allow access for inventory, product listing and products and save the selection
Go to the API credentials section
Install the Application
Copy the API token for the App
Copy the token to the “Shopify App Access token” box in HomeRoots Shopify settings
2. On the next step, you need to fill up the rest of the fields
Min QTY: if exported product stock qty in Homeroots will be lower than specified value then Homeroots will update your store with 0 availability items. Homeroots will change it back to available stock qty when it will be increased more than the min QTY.
For example, lets say you put the value 10 in this field but Homeroots only has 9 units available, then Homeroots will put to your Shopify store the value of 0 for the availability inventory.
Price Tiers: This table allows you to manage product markup depending on your cost.
Sync Pricing: This option for enable or disable synchronize pricing
Sync Product(titles/descriptions): This option for enable or disable synchronize information about product such as title and description
3. Set other settings and save it
After saving sections from # 1 & 2, you will see new section that allows you to create categories mapping.
4. Export. Go to the Shopify export page to transfer products to your shopify store

The drop down on the left is to present how many rows to show in the table
- Each table on the page has a global search field on the right to search for content within the table.
- The product’s table has Individual search boxes for each column (you can file few
search boxes to filtering the data). - The checkbox are for selecting products for transfer.
After you select products, hit Export if you are choosing to export entire manufacturer’s products or hit the Transfer Products if you selected specific products and the process will initiate its magic.