Store within a Store Option

HomeRoots offers you your own branded store front on our platform that you can refer and invite your customers to. You earn a % back for anything and everything they buy.


View My Store-JPG

Navigate to your store

  1. View your store by clicking on “View My Store” menu 
  2. Or enter these URLs for your store in any web browser:

    Your view:<your user id>/<your company name>. For example:
    The customer’s view:<your user id>/<your company name>. For example:


Set Store Profile Image- This will be the banner that customers will see when they visit your store

  1. Login to your profile
  2. Click on Upload Profile Image 

Earn Money with HomeRoots by referring customers to your store.

  1. Click on Refer a friend and earn.
  2. Enter the customer’s information on the form.
  3. Send the invite.
  4. The customer will receive the invite from you with a link to your store.
  5. Every time they make a purchase on your store or for any other item on, you will get paid a commission.